This little Monster was originally going to be a bear..but decided that with her perfectly rectangle body, a little round head on top would be weird...soooooo a monster was born!!
She is completely needle felted. Her eye is a bead.
Her arms and legs move and she can sit and stand. She loves art and can often be seen swimming with the crayons. She is also a fan of glue..but glue and felt is a pretty dangerous situation!
I told Keely since this Monster was just practice she could have her. So Keely named her Princess Buttercup. Henry is going to draw me a monster to needle felt so that will be my next project!!
Ya gotta teach me sometime..maybe as we sit at the flea market? lol
omg totally I will bring stuff with us!
Your little monster is adorable! :)
U Crack Me uP!
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